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Body in balance

Rotorua’s Polynesian Spa is the perfect place to learn the incredible benefits of calming your mind and healing your body.

Words Hayley Barnett

“Find your dimmer switch,” our mindfulness teacher murmurs soothingly.

Meditation expert and aromatherapist Helena Keenan’s constant calm demeanor is a result of 30 years of meditation practice at some of the Pacific’s most luxurious wellness centres. Right now I’m sitting in the newly refurbished Mahoney Wellness Room at Rotorua’s Polynesian Spa for their Mindful Moments Retreat in the hopes that some of that calmness will rub off on my frazzled, stressed-to-the-hilt self. But finding my inner dimmer switch isn’t something that comes naturally. In fact, at this point, I’m not even sure I have one.

For the past seven years Helena has been guiding visitors through two-day retreats to reset their intentions and commitment to wellness – both mentally and physically – to come away feeling calm, inspired and recharged. Over two days we will bathe in geothermal mineral waters, practise yoga, walk in nature, undergo spa therapies, learn about nutrition and meditate our troubles away. It’s the kind of thing a tired mother can usually only dream of.

When I drag myself in on the first day after a terrible night’s sleep I’m met with the friendly, energetic yoga teacher, Nadine Prinsloo. She introduces the group to simple movements designed to stretch and relax our bodies after a soak in the world-famous geothermal spa. She gives us a rundown on the history of yoga, why we should do it, and what sort of benefits we'll receive from stretching our bodies at least three times a week. We learn how to breathe with our stomachs and how breathing in through one nostril and out the other will instantly calm your nervous system. Nadine has gone through her fair share of body trauma over the years, which is how she got into yoga in the first place, and educates us on how to listen to your body. “If you listen to the body when it whispers, you won’t have to listen to it when it shouts,” she explains wisely. 

Though the yoga session wasn’t at all strenuous, the group had certainly worked up an appetite. Which was just as well considering the enormous lunch laid out for us. The delicious, healthy and balanced meal set us up for our silent trek through Rotorua’s Redwoods forest. 

After an hour of fresh air we were back in time for our talk on maintaining a healthy gut, led by resident naturopath, Jessica Tumata-Lane. The miracles that can happen just by making subtle changes to your diet are not only proven by science, says Jess, but also in the mental clarity and the body’s energy, which you will notice almost immediately. I almost feel bad for the gelato we’ve just consumed from the spa café beforehand.

The next day we’re led directly to the spa for what I thought would be some relaxing R&R. This time, we’re on the retreat side, which of course includes a cold plunge pool. With Nadine’s words ringing in our ears about listening to your body before it shouts, we instead plunge forth and hold ourselves under for what seems like an eternity but is really just 30 seconds. We then run straight into the now-prickly 40-degree Celcius pool to warm up. Apparently this is good for you. 

It’s just as well that our spa treatment is up next. I’ve chosen the spa’s signature Himalayan Salt Polish and Herbal Oil Massage, a treat for my tight muscles and dry winter skin. Then it’s straight into meditation with Helena, where I nearly fall asleep in the middle of the day. This has never happened to me before. I can barely sleep at night.

Our second delicious lunch brings me back to earth, before venturing out for a walk around the geothermal springs of Lake Rotorua. We’re back in time for some blueberry lemon cake with coconut yoghurt before heading home, our gift bags filled to the brim with lotions and potions to keep our skin looking and feeling its best. I can’t think of a better way to rest and recharge, and I’m already planning my trip back to this geothermal healing centre of wellness. The next retreat goes ahead in July 2024 and I'm very tempted. 

What were my greatest takeaways, Helena asks? It’s not until I’m in the car heading home that I can think of this answer clearly. Always take the time to stop and recuperate, even if you don’t feel you need it. It’s not until you stop that you can really hear your body and mind shouting. That’s when you find your dimmer switch.