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Upstairs for thinking

Registered Master Builder Brent Stewart has never met a construction conundrum he couldn’t develop a savvy solution for.

WORDS Casey Vassallo PHOTOS Salina Galvan

Brent Stewart solves puzzles, but not jigsaw-shaped ones. His puzzles are building-related: tricky sites, leaky homes, renovations and opportunities to add value.

The director of Stewart Construction says, “I love to use property to help people achieve their goals in life. It's always worth taking a few steps back to look at the bigger picture before deciding what to do with your home. If you overcapitalise, you’re soaking up money that could be used elsewhere, like for your child's education, or to fund another property to increase your financial freedom."

The property pictured here presented its own challenges. A steeply sloped site at the end of Wharf Street in Tauranga, it was a feat of engineering to build four high-end apartments here while maximising the magnificent view across the Waikareao Estuary. The result is beautifully finished and feels luxurious. But “We're not any more expensive than anybody else,” says Brent. “We just work really smart.”

Another of Brent’s clients had a three-bedroom home they wanted to renovate and retire in. They felt they needed to pull most of the house down, which saw the cost creeping above their budget, so Brent suggested subdividing, taking the top off the existing dwelling and using it to create one built on piles on the newly created section. The inspiration for that kind of creative thinking came from the success of his own home. He and his wife/business partner Milly had bought an unremarkable property on Marine Parade, and rather than demolish it, he relocated the second storey onto their kiwifruit orchard. The renovation and sale of the orchard and its new home funded the construction of their now award-winning beach house, which has garnered national press.

Brent is originally from Cromwell, and Milly’s from Otorohanga; together they’ve made a home in Tauranga with their children Rocco (12) and Tulsi (9). They started Stewart Construction in 2007. Despite a recession looming, they carved their way through by becoming recladding and leaky-home specialists.

"I hired five people right from the start to support our clients through the increasing number of homes with weathertight issues,” says Brent. “Our team has grown, but I’ve been very careful to make sure everyone’s an expert in their field."

With 23 years of experience, Brent sees the big picture as creating value and capital for his clients. The straight shooter works closely with his foremen Dylan Hone and Johnny Mills and an extensive trade network to deliver each job to the highest standard.

"I’m looking to help my clients add value to their homes by making the right decisions regardless of whether the market goes up, down or sideways,” says Brent. Just las you’d go to a stockbroker or financial advisor for advice on how to maximise your earnings, going to Stewart Construction for property guidance will help you grow the value of the asset that, for most of us, is the biggest we’ll ever own.

“The best time to come to talk to us is before you've started drawing and designing,” says Brent. "That way, we can spot potential solutions before you've invested anything. By thinking bigger than just the four walls of a home and with your best interests at the core, the answer isn't always conventional. I feel really good when I think of the successes our clients have had."

Brent lights up again as he starts to run through some of the ideas he has for the beachfront site he and Milly are about to start building on. Then he’s off to solve another puzzle.