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Five top interior trends for your autumnal refresh

From eco chic to indoor plants, the world of interiors is currently one that reflects the moods of the world outside. Home is evermore a sanctuary and a safe haven, and comfort is key.

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WORDS Nicky Adams PHOTOS Jahl Marshall

From eco-chic to indoor plants, the world of interiors is currently one that reflects the moods of the world outside.

Home is evermore a sanctuary and a safe haven, and comfort is key. For obvious reasons the last 12 months has seen a surge in home renovations, interior decorating and general home and garden improvements. Whilst it’s important to reflect your own personality in the choices that you make, we’re inevitably led – all be it sometimes without even realising – by what’s trending in home interiors, so with that in mind it’s worth looking at the direction 2021 is taking.

Pleasure zone

There is no real fashion barometer for what homely looks like, however for this year the move is towards indulging in cosy comfort. Think sink-into-sofas, and rich, tactile fabrics. Luxurious candles, unusual pieces from craftspeople rather than mass-produced items – there’s a real shift to furnishing your home with items that will stand the test of time as opposed to something that will only last until the next fashion cycle. Imagine soft wool rugs underfoot, chairs that you want to sit in and sofas that you can’t get out of. More than ever there’s an increased love of carefully selected pieces, and an appreciation of artists and artisans.

Staying Revived

‘Granny chic’ is a trend that is working its way into our homes in all kinds of ways. Humming away in the background has been a growing nostalgia that has led to a love of retro-trends, so much so that the term ‘cottage core’ has been termed. In terms of our homes, there has been a steady revival of accessories that bring to mind the comfort of bygone eras. Stunning antique pieces, home crafts such as crochet blankets, fine china, floral cushions or coverings, and to be honest vintage touches and whimsy in general is hot to trot.

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Nice and Natural

Natural and recycled fabrics look as though they are edging ahead in the popularity stakes. Sustainable and natural textiles don’t just fit with the heightened awareness of environmental impact, they are also beautiful both to the touch and to the eye. Organic cotton recycled polyester and low impact linen are all favourites that are huge for the year ahead in both home furnishings and fashion.

Club Tropicana

Global inspiration is a reoccurring theme to the looks for 2021 – and one way in which this is playing out in home décor is through a relaxed tropical vibe. It’s not hard to see why this has struck a chord, because it means that while we can’t get to the tropics, we still have the power to bring representational elements into our home. Bold and beautiful, spaces that reflect travel can be seen incorporating florals, lush greenery and seascapes, all bringing a contemporary edge to a more classical feel. The ‘distant shores’ trends incorporate tropical brights, subtle monotones and soft yellow into one huge aspirational wave of joie de vivre.


Not since the 1970s have indoor house plants have been more on point. Plants provide a wonderful double dip when it comes to an interior feature – aside from the plant itself, there is also the all-important pot that it sits in. Perhaps the popularity is in part due to the quality of faux plants. No longer the lack lustre imitations, it’s now pretty impossible to tell the difference between a plant that needs watering and one that doesn’t. Add to this the extensive selection with everything from hanging creepers to elegant palms, and you have a statement piece that is almost unprecedented in its versatility within the home.

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