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Don’t get mad, get even: say goodbye to patchy skin

Skin looking a bit patchy post-summer? Never mind – Tauranga’s Skin Centre has an exclusive product formulated in-house to fix that, and practice nurse Georgie Herbison is here to tell us about it.


PHOTO Alexander Krivitskiy

Skin looking a bit patchy post-summer? Never mind – Tauranga’s Skin Centre has an exclusive product formulated in-house to fix that, and practice nurse Georgie Herbison is here to tell us about it.

UNO: Georgie, what causes pigmentation and how can we prevent it?

GEORGIE HERBISON: Melanin in the skin acts as a defence mechanism, which is why people commonly get a tan where their skin is exposed to the sun. Hyperpigmentation occurs when the skin over-produces melanin, resulting in dark patches and an uneven look. Hormonal changes can cause hyperpigmentation, but the main cause is the sun, so it’s important to always wear sunscreen or, better still, cover up or stay indoors during the hottest time of day. 

UNO: Why has Skin Centre created this specialised pigmentation product, Complex K?

GEORGIE: So many patients come into the clinic distressed about their pigmentation, having tried different treatments and creams with no visible results. It’s great to be able to offer them our prescription-only product to use at home, knowing it’ll really work for them. 

UNO: What makes this cream so effective?

GEORGIE: Complex K is a sun damage and skin-lightening treatment. It contains components proven in multiple independent clinical trials to reverse the effects of excessive sun, including hydroquinone 4%, a pigment inhibitor that works by reducing the production of pigmentation and increasing the production of melanosomes in melanocytes by inhibiting the activity of the enzyme tyrosinase, which is needed to make melanin. It also includes a mild topical hydrocortisone to prevent irritation, mixed with a vitamin A derivative (retinoid) that can reduce the ageing effects of the sun on our skin and stimulate collagen synthesis, while reversing photo damage and increasing the absorption and efficacy of the hydroquinone.

UNO: How should we use Complex K?

GEORGIE: This is a prescription treatment that your skin needs to adjust to slowly, so our clients use it alongside their own skincare products a few nights a week to start with, and gently increase from there.

UNO: What kinds of pigmentation is it effective on and what kinds of results do you see?

GEORGIE: We’ve had some very good results treating clients with general pigmentation and freckling, the hormonal pigmentation melasma and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. They notice a definite lightening of the affected skin after using the cream for 12 weeks, and the overall skin texture is smoother.

UNO: Is Complex K complemented by treatments you use in the clinic? 

GEORGIE: It works well in conjunction with our Fraxel laser. The non-invasive Fraxel can reverse visible signs of ageing and damage, reducing pigmentation and evening out skin tone, and Complex K  helps to maintain these results.

UNO: Who would you recommend this product to?

GEORGIE: We’d recommend it to clients with darker skin, who have a higher chance of hyperpigmentation, or anyone who’s tried other treatments with poor results. It’s especially effective for people with melasma and is a great option for anyone who doesn’t want to use laser treatments and would prefer to use a cream at home.



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