Taking charge

It took a health scare for Scandi Health Coaching owner Sofie Falk to find her true calling – helping other women realise their potential through self-care.

Words Hayley Barnett
Photos Gleeson Royfree

Sofie Falk often thinks about the day she woke up exhausted. Reflecting on the night before, there didn’t seem to be any explanation for the worst fatigue she’d ever felt. She wasn’t hungover, the kids hadn’t kept her up, and she’d gone to sleep at a reasonable hour. 

She dragged herself out of bed and managed to get her kids to daycare and school, but immediately returned home to sleep for six hours.

“When they came home I put them in front of the TV and went back to bed,” she explains. “From then on I started having horrible night sweats, my lymph nodes were swollen all over my body and I had constant migraines.”

The Tauranga mum of three went through the hospital system for a year and a half, having x-rays and ultrasounds and biopsies of her lymph nodes. They were consistently swollen, which indicated that Sofie had chronic inflammation throughout her body.

“After a lot of different tests, I was eventually discharged from hospital
as a ‘diagnostic dilemma’. But I knew there was more to it.”

That was the beginning of Sofie’s foray into the natural therapy world. With a degree in Sports Science, and having worked in areas like human nutrition at The University of Auckland, a lot of holistic treatment was foreign to her, but she also knew there was a chance she could treat whatever it was that she was fighting by changing her lifestyle. She saw a naturopath who advised she cut out caffeine, gluten, dairy and alcohol, and after just a few weeks she noticed a massive difference. Her migraines had disappeared, she started sleeping well and the swelling in her lymph nodes dramatically improved.

“I felt like I'd got back to myself. I started wondering how many other people were out there suffering and thinking it’s just mum life or some horrible illness they can’t shake.”

Blessed with newfound energy and vitality, Sofie decided to upskill by doing a health coaching course, to find out about the latest research in holistic medicine and nutrition. “I found my calling,” she says. “I needed to work with women, to help them become the women they know they can be.”

From there, Scandi Health Coaching was born, and soon Sofie was organising health retreats. She had been to a few herself in the past and knew there was a gap in the market for something low-key, affordable and less, well, hippie.

“The retreats I’d been to were expensive and they were the kinds of places that make you sit around a campfire burning up your notes,” she laughs. “I wanted a normal one, where you can opt in or out of anything and just have time to yourself. I wanted to offer women a quiet space to notice what we need to notice.”

The last retreat featured vegan chef Mila Arena of delivery service V On Wheels, as well as Encore Pilates owner Fanny Peters and yoga teacher Estelle Harman, all known experts in their fields. The retreat offered yoga, breathwork and pilates, with massage, reiki and beauty treatments as added extras.

Coming up on her fourth retreat in October, Sofie dreams of taking groups of women to the Cook Islands and Australia. Right now, they’re being held closer to home, like Paradise Valley in Rotorua.  

“I grew up in Sweden and it was normal for people to attend retreats regularly,” explains Sofie. “I want my retreats to be for the everyday woman. Why can’t we all go somewhere exotic on our own or with a friend for a week, to recharge?” For now, Sofie is focussing on balancing work with family life, keeping her revitalised sense of self well nourished.
“I don’t want to tip over into burnout. The demand is there so I’ll carry on offering it, but I might have to hire a bigger team at some point!” 



Perfectly poised


Cambodia calling