Fat transfer: the why, the how, and what to expect

Fat transfer can restore youthful contours to your face, hands and body, can be wonderfully rejuvenating and also improve scarring; here, two people share their experience of the day-stay procedure at Tauranga’s Skin Centre.


Face facts

UNO: What led you to try facial fat transfer? I felt good in myself, but then I’d look in the mirror and I’d look so tired! It aged me beyond my years.

Was there any preparation required before your procedure? The only prep I recall was not drinking alcohol for two weeks prior – and that’s never a bad thing.

How did you feel in the lead-up? I couldn’t wait to get it done! I’d been given lots of information from the Skin Centre and they were there for me if I had any questions at any time. I was so looking forward to not looking exhausted anymore – to looking like I had as much energy as I felt I had.

How did you feel afterwards? There was a bit of swelling that subsided in the first few days, but I took a week off work so I’d feel completely comfortable with how I looked when I went back. The pain was minimal, just a bit of a dull ache in my thigh where the fat was taken from; there was no pain at all in my face. I followed the instructions for the pain medication and I was good as gold. I had to sleep propped up for a few days, but that wasn’t a biggie.

Do you love the results? I had the procedure about six years ago and I’ve never looked back. My face still looks and feels totally natural – which it is! – and I don’t look tired anymore. I’m so much happier with my appearance.

How did you find your experience at the Skin Centre? The staff at the Skin Centre were so caring and informative. They made the whole procedure and aftercare really easy.

What advice would you give to someone considering facial fat transfer? For me, it’s a no-brainer. The procedure’s straightforward and the results are great – and long lasting.

Body beautiful

UNO: What led you to try body fat transfer? Being small- busted, I’d always joked about wishing I could transfer some fat from my problem areas to my chest, so it felt like a dream come true when I found out about this procedure! I was attracted to this solution knowing there was nothing artificial that would be inserted into my body.

Was there any preparation required before the procedure? To ensure it was successful, I had to wear a pump expansion- type system regularly for some weeks prior. This worked to make space for the fat to be placed in.

How did you feel in the lead-up? I was mostly excited as it seemed like the perfect solution to something I’d always thought about but hadn’t expected to be possible. I had a lot of faith in Dr Salmon and the team at the Skin Centre. Any nerves I had were put at ease by their kindness and professionalism.

How did you feel afterwards? I was deliberately cautious with all my movements and activities. I was a bit uncomfortable, but it wasn’t any worse than I’d expected and with some regular pain relief for a day or so, I was comfortable. Planning ahead to allow myself time to recover was also important for the success of the treatment.

Do you love the results? It’s been a couple of years, and I’m still really happy with my results. I feel like I got back what I had before children and a little more, yet look really natural – plus, the shape of my breasts has improved and my body confidence has too.

How did you find your experience at the Skin Centre? I could not fault the experience I had. The atmosphere was relaxed and I was supported through all stages of the procedure and my recovery.

What advice would you give to someone considering body fat transfer? To me, it seems like one of the most natural ways of enhancing what you already have, leaving you with a natural shape and feel. I’m really happy I did this for me.



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