Fresh Reads, THRIVE Michele Griffin Fresh Reads, THRIVE Michele Griffin

Clean slate

An all-new beauty treatment proves you don’t have to suck it up when it comes to general skin problems, but it helps to know the HydraFacial can do just that.

An all-new beauty treatment proves you don’t have to suck it up when it comes to general skin problems, but it helps to know the HydraFacial can do just that.

Words Hayley Barnett / Photos Salina Galvan + supplied

If you spend any amount of time on social media, or read magazines or beauty blogs, there’s a good chance you’ve come across the much-hyped HydraFacial. It’s being recommended by everyone from well-respected dermatologists, to highly-influential celebrities like Kate Winslet. Being the first in the Bay to offer the HydraFacial, it wasn’t hard for Constance Santos from Epidermis & Sage to convince me to give it a try.

Walking into the treatment room I was met with a large machine that looks like it belongs in a surgery, which is slightly intimidating when you think you’re there for a facial. Fittingly, the person who invented it is a plastic surgeon who wanted to offer clients with all skin types the opportunity to extract impurities from their skin, with a more gentle treatment, compared to, say, microdermabrasion procedures. And the tagline, '3 steps. 30 minutes. The best skin of your life', sounds promising. 

The reason the machine is so big is because it has three main functions – firstly to cleanse and peel, with gentle exfoliation and resurfacing; secondly to extract and hydrate, with painless suction and nourishing moisturisers; and lastly to fuse and protect with antioxidants and peptides. To do this, it uses a patented Vortex-Fusion delivery system, or what I would describe as a sucky pen thing attached to a machine by a clear tube, extracting debris from your pores. You can literally see the gunk being sucked out of your face as the pen glides across your skin like a deep-cleaning, moisturising vacuum cleaner.

“So it’s a vacuum for your face?” I asked. “Uh, yes,” came the reply, accompanied by a sideways glance. My very scientific description was confirmed when Constance held up a large, clear container full of liquid with a whole lot of small, black floaties – my blackheads. It’s safe to say a whole lot of gunk was removed from my skin, which was embarrassing yet satisfying. Add to that, my face felt naked, but also like it was breathing for the first time. 

The whole experience was much more relaxing than it sounds. The procedure is completely painless, and Constance says it combats any skin problem – from pigmentation to acne. But it's also suitable as a regular cleanse. She recommended I have it done once a month, to keep my skin clean and clear, but the frequency depends on your skin type. Oily skin, for example, may need a couple of treatments within one to two weeks of each other, before moving to monthly. 

A few weeks later, my skin still feels clean and naked without my usual blackheads filling my now-empty pores. I might try to stretch it out to every six weeks, but rest assured that I’ll certainly be back for more.

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Fresh Reads, THRIVE Michele Griffin Fresh Reads, THRIVE Michele Griffin

Skin revival

Constance Santos from Epidermis & Sage gets down to the finer details and pinpoints editor Hayley Barnett’s problem areas with the latest micro needling treatment.

Constance Santos from Epidermis & Sage gets down to the finer details and pinpoints editor Hayley Barnett’s problem areas with the latest micro needling treatment.

Micro needling is the latest anti-aging treatment to hit the beauty scene and, not being one to shy away from skin rejuvenation as of late, I jumped at the chance to try it out. Closing in on 40, my skin isn’t quite the peaches and cream complexion that I regularly received compliments for in my younger days. To summarise the state of my skin, it needed emergency TLC stat.

When Constance explained how micro needling is administered I was a little concerned. I cried during a bikini wax once. But she assured me it wasn’t that bad. She also gave me a little rundown on how it works. 

Medical micro needling is designed to improve your complexion by activating the skin’s natural regenerative processes, which stimulates the production of collagen. Very tiny needles are applied into the top layer of the skin. This regenerates the skin cells by awakening the fibroblast that lies within the deeper layers. Then, through the process of healing, healthy collagen is produced and, after a course of treatments, skin is visibly revitalised.

So why would you choose microneedling over another form of skincare? Well, the Amieamed EXCEED is equipment that treats acne scarring, pigmentation, firms up sagging skin, activates collagen (so it softens lines and wrinkles) and minimises pore size. Constance says most of their clients use it for slowing down the aging process. 

After our initial consultation, Constance sent me home with a serum and retinol cream, both from SkinBetter Science, with vitamins A and C. This was to ensure my skin is hydrated and any sensitivity is addressed before treatment.

A month later I arrived for my 75-minute needling appointment. Firstly, my face was treated to a deep cleanse then a mini peel (Skinbetter Science peel pads) was applied. Then out came the needle. The needle depth is decided by what is being treated and skin thickness. Thankfully, my skin only required shallow needling. It’s always nice to hear that a beauty therapy session “won’t become a blood bath”.

The needle is run in soft lines or circles, depending on the area, across the face, neck and chest (and hands on request). “Some areas may be a little sorer than others during treatment but we’ve never had a client struggle to cope with the discomfort,” says Constance. The treatment is quicker than I anticipated. Constance moved skilfully across my forehead (the most painful part, apparently) and I didn’t bat an eyelash. The only area to bring about some jaw clenching was my neck, a particularly ticklish spot, so she zipped across the area, resulting in what looked like a vicious cat attack (the marks went down after an hour or so). In hindsight I should have just clenched and bared it.

The process is finished with the Lutronic HEALITE device, to really kickstart that growth factor response, and then a soothing and hydrating peptide gel mask is applied. 

After that, there’s very little down time. Results are accumulative so Constance recommends four to six treatments initially and then a couple of treatments per year to keep that collagen activated.

I was told my skin would feel a bit hot, like sunburn, for about a day, but I barely noticed it. I took home another peptide gel mask to pop on in the evening, which speeds up the healing. The redness was gone by the day after and I was advised to wear mineral make up. On day five, Constance followed up with a skin enzyme peel and another HEALITE. 

All in all, it wasn’t nearly as bad as it sounds and, four weeks later, I’m definitely seeing a renewed glow. Thanks Constance.

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Fat transfer: the why, the how, and what to expect

Fat transfer can restore youthful contours to your face, hands and body, can be wonderfully rejuvenating and also improve scarring; here, two people share their experience of the day-stay procedure at Tauranga’s Skin Centre.

Fat transfer can restore youthful contours to your face, hands and body, can be wonderfully rejuvenating and also improve scarring; here, two people share their experience of the day-stay procedure at Tauranga’s Skin Centre.


Face facts

UNO: What led you to try facial fat transfer? I felt good in myself, but then I’d look in the mirror and I’d look so tired! It aged me beyond my years.

Was there any preparation required before your procedure? The only prep I recall was not drinking alcohol for two weeks prior – and that’s never a bad thing.

How did you feel in the lead-up? I couldn’t wait to get it done! I’d been given lots of information from the Skin Centre and they were there for me if I had any questions at any time. I was so looking forward to not looking exhausted anymore – to looking like I had as much energy as I felt I had.

How did you feel afterwards? There was a bit of swelling that subsided in the first few days, but I took a week off work so I’d feel completely comfortable with how I looked when I went back. The pain was minimal, just a bit of a dull ache in my thigh where the fat was taken from; there was no pain at all in my face. I followed the instructions for the pain medication and I was good as gold. I had to sleep propped up for a few days, but that wasn’t a biggie.

Do you love the results? I had the procedure about six years ago and I’ve never looked back. My face still looks and feels totally natural – which it is! – and I don’t look tired anymore. I’m so much happier with my appearance.

How did you find your experience at the Skin Centre? The staff at the Skin Centre were so caring and informative. They made the whole procedure and aftercare really easy.

What advice would you give to someone considering facial fat transfer? For me, it’s a no-brainer. The procedure’s straightforward and the results are great – and long lasting.

Body beautiful

UNO: What led you to try body fat transfer? Being small- busted, I’d always joked about wishing I could transfer some fat from my problem areas to my chest, so it felt like a dream come true when I found out about this procedure! I was attracted to this solution knowing there was nothing artificial that would be inserted into my body.

Was there any preparation required before the procedure? To ensure it was successful, I had to wear a pump expansion- type system regularly for some weeks prior. This worked to make space for the fat to be placed in.

How did you feel in the lead-up? I was mostly excited as it seemed like the perfect solution to something I’d always thought about but hadn’t expected to be possible. I had a lot of faith in Dr Salmon and the team at the Skin Centre. Any nerves I had were put at ease by their kindness and professionalism.

How did you feel afterwards? I was deliberately cautious with all my movements and activities. I was a bit uncomfortable, but it wasn’t any worse than I’d expected and with some regular pain relief for a day or so, I was comfortable. Planning ahead to allow myself time to recover was also important for the success of the treatment.

Do you love the results? It’s been a couple of years, and I’m still really happy with my results. I feel like I got back what I had before children and a little more, yet look really natural – plus, the shape of my breasts has improved and my body confidence has too.

How did you find your experience at the Skin Centre? I could not fault the experience I had. The atmosphere was relaxed and I was supported through all stages of the procedure and my recovery.

What advice would you give to someone considering body fat transfer? To me, it seems like one of the most natural ways of enhancing what you already have, leaving you with a natural shape and feel. I’m really happy I did this for me.


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Raise your eyebrow game with this sought-after specialist technique

Simultaneously enhancing and taking years off your face, well-shaped, defined eyebrows have become the ultimate beauty weapon.

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Simultaneously enhancing and taking years off your face, well-shaped, defined eyebrows have become the ultimate beauty weapon – and there are a million Instagram posts to prove it. With the world’s love of fuller brows growing by the day, for many, microblading has become a must, and for those who have naturally thinner brows, might have mercilessly overplucked in the past or are noticing theirs thinning with age, this treatment has become the answer to a beauty prayer.

Microblading is a technique whereby the eyebrows are semi-permanently drawn onto the face using a tool to which tiny blades are attached. In the hands of a highly trained technician, anaesthetic is applied to the skin and medical-grade ink is implanted using fine strokes. The realistic-looking result is beautiful brows that remain perfectly manicured for up to three years. Rebecca (Reebz) Kuruvilla of Otumoetai’s Kuruvilla Beauty Design has been a practicing beauty therapist for 34 years, and during that time has become well known for her skill and passion for eyebrow shaping. UNO sat down to talk about how, through additional training in the art of microblading, her greatest professional skill has been taken to the next level.

UNO: What drew you to microblading?

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REEBZ: I’ve always loved doing eyebrows. Because of my background in the industry, it was important to me to choose the very best microblading course, which is the Phibrows technique, using the highest-quality ink in the world. After this, I completed an additional Perfection course, involving one-to-one training. I found it was a real advantage to know eyebrows before I started and have the knowledge of anatomy and physiology that you learn as a beauty therapist. You have to be able to understand how ink is going to work with different skin types; not everyone can have this procedure done and you’ve got to know who’s compatible. I can assess all of this in my initial consultation.

What does the process involve?

After the initial consultation and pre-care summary, clients return for their first treatment. This takes two to three hours, and then there’s basic aftercare of three to four days – simple things like ensuring you don’t sweat or overheat. A month later, the client comes back to repeat this process. My salon is based at my home in a very private and highly sterile environment that I can control. Having grown up in a family of doctors, this is something I feel strongly about. My parents had a medical practice at the Mount and my brother is a surgeon, so you can imagine how important maintaining good systems and medical hygiene is to me.

What kind of reactions do you get from your clients?

They are really happy to have easy-to- maintain brows that look amazing. I don’t follow trends, I just give back my clients the brows that best suit their face shape. It’s often the shape they had originally had. And now it looks even better.

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Expert Constance Santos on your skin’s natural barrier

Little good can come of cosmetic treatments if your skin’s natural barrier isn’t functioning well, says our expert Constance of Mt Maunganui’s Epidermis & Sage. Here’s how to get yours sussed.


Little good can come of cosmetic treatments if your skin’s natural barrier isn’t functioning well, says our expert Constance of Mt Maunganui’s Epidermis & Sage. Here’s how to get yours sussed.

Your skin has a protective barrier that functions to keep good things in and bad things out, such as bacteria and pollution. It’s made up of skin cells, and oils like fats, ceramides and omegas. That barrier is sometimes called the lipid layer or acid mantle.

Keeping your skin barrier healthy is vital for good skin health and optimal function. There are lots of things that can impair its function such as poor product usage, environmental factors and diet. An impaired function can lead to chronic skin conditions. Dermatitis, eczema and acne as well as dry, irritated skin are often the signs of a poor barrier function, as is skin that ages rapidly.

There are some fantastic beauty treatments out there – including needling, microdermabrasion and peels – but if your skin’s barrier isn’t healthy, you won’t get the benefit from them. It all comes down to your skin’s ability to make good, healthy, organised collagen. Most of these treatments work by stimulating a healing response, which produces healthy collagen through the controlled creation of a wound that sends the skin into repair mode. If your skin’s barrier is already impaired, you don’t want to add extra inflammation to the mix. Your skin is already concentrating on repairing itself and it can only do so much, so when it’s overwhelmed with an inflammatory response, activities like collagen production become a lesser priority.

How do you ensure your skin has a well- functioning barrier? It needs to stay in balance. For example, make sure you are having enough Omega-3 in your diet. If you aren’t getting enough, it’ll show on your skin. Another simple way of repairing an impaired barrier is to use a great cleanser (I recommend the Roccoco Botanicals Pore Cleansing Oil or Roccoco Botanicals Soothing Cleansing Oil) that works to restore balance to the barrier function.

Don’t forget, though, everything’s connected. What you eat and drink also affects your skin and gut, which makes taking essential fatty acids (EFAs) effective too (I recommend Pure Encapsulations EFA Essentials). Doing so will nourish your skin from the inside, and they’re anti-inflammatory as well. As I said, balance is important. Omega-3 is the best EFA for the skin. Omega-6 and Omega-9 also have good benefits, but too much Omega-6 can actually be inflammatory, so it’s best to talk to a skin therapist and get the right blend and dose for you.


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The skin and within: Constance Santos of Epidermis and Sage shares her holistic approach to beauty

UNO’s beauty editor Lisa Shea catches up with Constance Santos of Epidermis & Sage, who takes a holistic approach.

UNO’s beauty editor Lisa Shea catches up with Constance Santos of Epidermis & Sage, who takes a holistic approach.

Sitting down with skin therapist Constance Santos in her beautiful new space in Mt Maunganui, I could tell from her carefully selected products that she has a real passion for all things skin. The clinic is clean and calm with a contemporary, comfortable feel, and I couldn’t wait to find out what’s behind it all.

LISA: How did you decide the name Epidermis & Sage?

CONSTANCE: I wanted a name that represents the way I believe in treating the skin, using more natural products and holistic methods combined with science. The epidermis is the area of the skin that we treat the most and where lots of important skin cells live, so that’s the science part of the name. As a herb, the “sage” part relates to the natural side of my business. Sage is a cleansing herb and I felt like it symbolised a new beginning for me and for my business.

What makes you different?

At Epidermis & Sage, we treat the skin quite differently to a lot of traditional methods. In my career, I’ve found that it’s never been enough to simply recommend products or treatments to clients, especially when you’re treating difficult skin conditions, as there’s often an internal trigger and it’s most likely gut-related. If you’re not treating the skin from within or trying to eliminate triggers from the inside, you’re not going to have much success with using products on the outside, so we combine both methods to get our amazing results. We also set up our clients with the knowledge and tools to continue on, even when they’re not seeing us. If they have an acne outbreak or an eczema outbreak, for example, they can look back and figure out what triggered it and address it themselves, and I think that’s important.

What can I expect in a consultation?

Our consultation process is extremely in-depth. There are so many things that can cause difficult skin conditions, so you need to find the triggers and go through medications and everything else with a fine-tooth comb. Our clients get a long form to fill out, then we get them in for a diagnostic Observ Skin Scan that gives us about 18 different views of the skin, including lipid levels, inflammation and pigmentation at different levels. All this allows us to treat the skin with absolute precision and means our clients can purchase the products we recommend or come in for a treatment knowing we already understand exactly what’s needed. Because a lot of skin problems come from stress, part of our method is making sure that we create a luxurious, pampering experience. Our clients get into a lovely, lush bed and receive their relaxing treatment.

Can you explain to me the importance of skin nutrition and how it’s different to general nutritional supplements?

People quite often have huge nutritional deficiencies – a big one that I harp on about is the common deficiency in essential fatty acids (EFAs). Your cells need EFAs to function properly, and when you don’t, you notice things like poor healing and chronic skin conditions such as eczema. We look at diet and address deficiencies, and bolster our results with supplements that aid in collagen production, for example. That’s also really important when addressing age-related skin concerns. Rather than blasting the skin with heat or over-peeling it, to rejuvenate skin, we like to focus on DNA repair and getting the skin functioning well. There’s no point trying to stimulate your skin with products and devices on the outside if your cells don’t have the right nutrition, so we really focus a lot on internal supplements and happily refer clients to some amazing holistic nutritionists in the area who we work closely with.

What products or equipment do you use in your treatments?

We use some high-tech devices. We have the Exceed medical microneedling device, which we use for our collagen induction; no one else has that device in this area. We also have the LED light Lutronic Healite, and using that kind of stronger, medical- grade equipment means our results are a lot better. What also makes us special is our expertise and continuous training – we’re always studying. We’re not about quick-fire or sticking-plaster treatments that mask the issue – we want our clients to see real changes in their skin that they can maintain permanently.


Autumn’s top treatment:

Constance Santos of Epidermis & Sage recommends...

Microdermabrasion is the perfect autumn reset for the skin after a long summer of sun damage and endless sunscreen application. It clears away built-up skin cells, increases circulation, supports the skin’s natural lymphatic drainage, eradicates toxins and gets the skin in optimal condition to absorb skincare products.

It is a form of exfoliation that uses tiny crystals to slough away dead skin cells while a vacuum acts as a pump for the body’s lymphatic drainage process. The machine we use at Epidermis & Sage has fully disposable heads and allows us to customise treatments, monitoring the intensity so it’s used at a safe level for your skin. We can apply peels before the treatment to get a better result, and calming and hydrating masks afterwards when the skin is more accepting, so the product gets to where it’s needed most. The Healite LED is included in our more advanced microdermabrasion treatment and it not only calms the skin, but also simulates the fibroblasts to help the healing and anti-ageing process.

Come in for a consultation with our state-of-the- art Observ scanner, so we can see exactly what your needs are and create a bespoke treatment tailored specifically to you.

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Gimme some skin: UNO’s autumn hair and beauty favourites

Here are some of our top picks for the best treatments and supplements to keep your hair and skin looking amazing through autumn and beyond.


Skin essentials

The Dynamic Detox Duo is the latest addition to the Osmosis Wellness collection. Two high-potency supplements designed to improve your internal health, they’ll help you achieve the best skin of your life - from the inside out.



Regenerate addresses your body’s internal filtration system - your liver. It accelerates liver repair and maintains optimal liver health with the perfect balance of bioavailable collagen, amino acids, fat-soluble vitamins and alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG).


Recovery is a complete prebiotic blend of essential fatty acids including omega-7. Regular use supports whole-body health at a cellular level, restoring gut health, recovering the loss of facial fat-pad volume and providing additional liver support.

All the better

Just when we thought Osmosis Skincare’s best-selling, award-winning serum, Rescue, couldn’t get any better, they’ve added breakthrough ingredients to amplify its legendary repair capabilities.

Throw compromised skin a lifeline with this uniquely powerful serum proven to neutralize toxins, calm inflammation and activate epidermal wound and DNA repair to dramatically improve skin texture and age spots. Now it also improves radiance and protects skin from environmental stressors and blue light damage.

Eye on the needle

Take a closer look at the latest treatment from Mt Maunganui’s Lucy Shalfoon-Roberts, aka The Skin Girl.

UNO: What do we need to know about NanoFusion?

LUCY: It’s a unique skin treatment that delivers amazing results, and unlike traditional needling, there’s no downtime. It creates nano-scale channels in the skin, improving the penetration and absorption rate of active ingredients. Along with massage and vibration, it promotes skin healing and collagen production to help you look rejuvenated and refreshed.

Who’s it suited to?

It’s great for all skin types, and can help with specific concerns such as pigmentation and acne.

Why is now a good time to do it?

This is a great autumn treatment because you don’t need to worry too much about preparing the skin ahead of time or avoiding the sun pre and post-treatment. Just swipe over a good-quality BB or mineral make-up afterwards and you’re away.

Get your bounce back

UNO chatted with Sam Crapp of Shine Hair Co. about how we rehab our hair post-summer.

UNO: Why is my hair so dry after summer?

Sam: Our hair has a protective coating called the hydrolipidic layer and the summer months - with all the sun, salt water and chlorine can cause this coating to become depleted. This results in extreme colour fade, and dull, lifeless locks. Your hair will be crying out for moisture!

What can we do about it?

Wella’s new ColourMotion range with Wellaplex goes beyond anti-fading - with regular use it actually improves hair quality in three areas that are specifically important for coloured hair; colour protection, shine and hydration.

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Autumn beauty special: our local experts share their top treatments for the season

Is your skin showing signs of a summer – indeed a life – well-lived? Or perhaps you’re considering more advanced physical improvements? Undo any damage and up your game with advice from the foremost local experts.

Is your skin showing signs of a summer – indeed a life – well-lived? Or perhaps you’re considering more advanced physical improvements? Undo any damage and up your game with advice from the foremost local experts.

Our panel includes appearance medicine specialist Kate Schuler of Tauranga’s Fraser Clinic; Cindy Hooker and Tasmin Crocker, owner and manager respectively of Papamoa’s Reveal Skin & Body; Katie Mead, owner of Bayfair’s Cosmetic Clinic; and cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeons Brandon Adams and Adam Bialostocki of Tauranga’s Da Vinci Clinic.


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Appearance medicine specialist Kate is also an intensive care nurse.

UNO: What can we do to look and feel our best in the cooler months?

Kate: As the seasons change, so can your skin and the care it needs, so autumn is a great time to introduce treatments to revitalise it. Whatever your summer experience, your skin will probably need some help to recover from the harsh effects of lazy days in the sun, whether that’s repairing dehydrated skin or combating summer pigmentation – a big issue for New Zealanders.

U: What do you advise to combat pigmentation?

K: One of the best ways to reset your skin is with IPL light therapy or laser resurfacing. They’re excellent for pigmentation as they give an overall improvement in tone and texture, and set you up for ongoing improvement with the use of good medical-grade cosmeceutical skincare at home. No treatment is a standalone panacea. You need to support anything we do in the clinic with the effort you put in at home.

U: And how about hydration?

K: We can apply topicals to the surface of the skin, but nothing’s better than delivering it right where we’re targeting, altering the dose and depth to personalise the treatment and give your skin the wake-up call it needs. Our V2 Beauty Booster is a micro-injectable cocktail of antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and hyaluronic acid that helps to recover a healthy glow by increasing skin elasticity, thickness and hydration. It combines the benefits of skin needling – stimulating collagen, elastin and fibroblasts – while delivering a Dermo-Restructuring complex for repair, rejuvenation and retexturising. Best results are achieved with a series of three treatments, with the results continuing to improve up to 12 weeks afterwards.

U: And what about trouble spots other than the face?

K: Two notoriously difficult areas to rejuvenate are the neck and hands, which tend to show telltale signs of ageing. The skin on the neck thins and takes on a more crepey appearance, often accompanied by horizontal lines, while changes in skin texture – including thinning, a decrease in elasticity and surface pigmentation, coupled with pronounced veins, tendons and a bony appearance – affect the appearance of our hands. Our bio-stimulating injectables coupled with light therapy are great not only for the face, but also for these areas, plumping up the skin to make it stronger, healthier and clearer, and delivering longer-lasting results.

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This clinic’s philosophy is to provide clients with affordable, accessible and effective treatments. At this Papamoa sanctuary, clients are encouraged to celebrate themselves.

UNO: Are we ever too young to consider advanced skincare?

Tasmin: Our natural production of collagen starts to slow at around 26 – fine lines start to appear around your eyes, and you might notice a slight change in skin tone and firmness. Coming off birth control and having babies can also result in pesky blemishes and hormonal pigmentation. All this means maintaining a good skincare regime at home is vital. Everyone needs a good cleanser, moisturiser and SPF; think of these products as your baseline. Serums and advanced treatments are your ‘vitamins’ or ‘protein powders’ that’ll give your skin an extra boost.

Cindy: Great skin is all about starting early. Regular facials can help you maintain youthful, glowing skin, while SPF reduces pigmentation down the track. Your twenties and thirties are also the time to start ‘collagen banking’; if you use vitamin A when you’re younger, your skin will retain collagen for longer.

What do we start to see in our forties and fifties?

Tasmin: The effects of sun damage becomes more apparent. Our skin becomes drier and more fragile, and we wave goodbye to more collagen. But the good news? Advanced treatments such as Dermaneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, can help wind back the clock. Dermaneedling is great for everything – it breaks up pigment, strengthens the skin and produces new collagen. Reveal’s A-Zyme Skin Workout is one of our most popular treatments, and for good reason – it really is the powerhouse of all anti-ageing treatments. It’s essentially a powerful burst of vitamin A that plumps out fine lines and wrinkles, and leaves you with hydrated, younger-looking skin.

How do we continue to age well in our sixties and beyond?

Cindy: As we enter our sixties, our skin loses moisture and elasticity. Advanced treatments like IPL photorejuvenation, which uses light to stimulate cell renewal, help to keep skin firm and vibrant, while at-home serums are great for plumping and hydrating.

SERIOUS SERUMS at Reveal Skin & Body

Ultraceuticals Ultra A, Skin Perfecting Serum This vitamin-A-containing power serum plumps the skin to improve the appearance of wrinkles while stimulating collagen. It’s ideal for every skin type.

Ultraceuticals Ultra B Hydrating Serum B vitamins help with cell-to-cell communication, so daily use of this serum will strengthen your skin, and it’s packed with hydrating hyaluronic acid, which holds a thousand times its weight in water.

Ultraceuticals Ultra C10+ Firming Serum This serum dulls pigment and tones the skin to give your complexion a natural glow and all-round boost. For better protection, use it in the morning under your SPF.


This clinic’s philosophy is to provide clients with affordable, accessible and effective treatments.

UNO: What do you recommend for dry post-summer skin?

Katie: Say hello to HydraFiller, the treatment that’s taking hydration to the next level. Designed to improve the quality of your skin from the inside out, it’s a minimally invasive cosmetic injectable treatment now available at The Cosmetic Clinic six days a week. We believe everyone deserves to be the best version of themselves every day, so that’s why we’re super excited about this new treatment. Combine it with a great daily skin routine and a personalised skincare plan from one of our expert clinicians and your skin will thank you.

UNO: So what does HydraFiller entail?

K: As we age, our skin loses vital molecules involved in hydration, which can lead to dry, crepey and dull skin, fine lines and wrinkles. HydraFiller is a next-generation dermal filler that addresses these concerns by providing your skin with around-the- clock moisture from the inside out. Unlike regular dermal filler, HydraFiller isn’t used to add volume, but to help increase and retain moisture in the skin through a unique cross-linking of the key ingredient, hyaluronic acid, a substance that occurs naturally in our bodies. Administered through a series of micro-injections by our expert cosmetic injectors, it helps to restore and increase dermal hydration and tissue elasticity, and decrease wrinkle formation, fine lines, acne scarring and unevenness for fresher, glowing skin.

What areas can be treated, and how long does it last?

K: HydraFiller can be used to treat the face, neck, décolletage and hands. It can help improve overall skin quality for up to nine months with just one treatment per area.

Does it hurt?

K: Similar to any dermal filler, there can be a slight stinging or discomfort at the site of the injection, but HydraFiller contains an anaesthetic that can help alleviate that during the treatment. Clients can also receive numbing cream to take home with them.

UNO: What other after-care do you advise?

K: Our hydrating Balense Quench Pack is a four-step process – cleanse, activate, hydrate and protect – that’s great for those with dry, tired or ageing skin. We recommend using it as ongoing support after your HydraFiller treatment, to help your skin stay hydrated and radiant. We also offer micro-needling treatments that support what HydraFiller does and can help with pigmentation, overall skin tone, fine lines and scarring.

Shifaaz Shamoon


Brandon also works as a consultant plastic and reconstructive surgeon at Waikato DHB and a visiting plastic surgeon at Tauranga Hospital.

UNO: Where should someone start if they want to take their new-season refresh to the next level with cosmetic surgery?

Brandon: When it comes to ‘updating’ the face, we’re not searching for a whole new look – we’re wanting to achieve natural-looking results. Achieving this means utilising techniques that incorporate the fat and sheaths of tissue underneath the skin too. Rather than just ‘pulling back’ and ‘cutting away’ skin, we aim to lift and reposition the underlying muscles. This involves using stitches to tighten the connective tissue enveloping the muscles of the midface and neck, or alternatively, the underside of the muscles – a deep-plane facelift. This is where the expertise and experience of your surgeon come into play. Evaluation of a patient’s anatomy – where their skin is pre-surgery – is important for long-term success. We assess how much volume loss your face has, the damage your skin has sustained and the type of asymmetries your face shows, and we’ll also discuss additional volume-loss solutions as part of your surgery, which might include dermal fillers or fat transfer.

UNO: What do you advise for the neck and jowls?

B: For lower facial jowling or a sagging neck, non-surgical injectables such as fillers or Botox may not be the answer. A facelift – or rhytidectomy – corrects sagging facial skin to restore harmony, bringing back the jawline and re-establishing fullness in the cheeks. The chin is also a difficult area to treat, so a lift combined with Belkyra injections, which permanently dissolve fat, can effectively target this area, harmonising and restoring definition.

UNO: Is there an ideal age at which to consider surgical intervention?

B: Many women and men undergo their first facelift in their fifties and beyond, however the skin’s elasticity begins to steadily break down from the early forties onwards, so for some, undergoing a facelift earlier means there’s greater elasticity for better long- term results. Ultimately, there is no ‘best’ age to have a surgical lift, so seeking the expertise of an experienced surgeon who’s able to spot and manage asymmetries, and accurately assesses volume and loss, is essential for the best outcome.


Adam works as a surgeon at Tauranga’s Grace Hospital too.

UNO: What should people keep in mind when considering making improvements to their body through cosmetic and reconstructive surgery?

Adam: Beyond social media inspiration, taking an individual approach to any procedure – breast implants, reconstruction, abdominoplasty – is essential for best practice and greater peace of mind. Placing yourself in the hands of a qualified surgeon with the right experience and advice means you’ll stay truly connected to your body’s journey from beginning to end – and those results will hit all the right notes.

UNO: Let’s talk about breasts...

A: Whether you’re seeking greater breast volume, or a lift or reconstruction, various factors influence breast decisions. If it’s a volume issue – after weight loss or pregnancy, for example – an implant can restore fullness and shape, and when combined with a lift, it can correct lax tissue. If the nipples have rotated downward or become larger, opting for a mastopexy to raise breast tissue and reposition the nipple is a good option. For women with asymmetrical or small breasts, an implant, a lift or both can restore. Breast reconstruction is driven by personal preference, wellness, and short- and long-term expectations. It’s also a procedure that can be delayed, with surgery carried out months, even years, following breast cancer recovery. The two main procedures available to Kiwi women are breast implant reconstruction and breast flap reconstruction. Breast implant reconstruction involves inserting an implant under the skin and muscle to restore the shape and volume of the breast, while breast flap reconstruction uses flaps of a woman’s own skin, fat and muscle tissue from the back, bottom, inner thighs or lower abdomen – sometimes with the addition of an implant too – to reconstruct the breasts. Visualising what you’ll look like post- surgery is hugely important, which is why we use 3D Vectra imaging technology when discussing the procedure and to provide our clients with a real-life depiction of their breasts post-surgery.

UNO: And tell us about tummy tucks...

A: Abdominoplasty isn’t a weight-loss procedure – its aim is to reshape, sculpt and contour. Skin is released from the lower part of your abdomen to allow for tightening of the muscles and flatter contour. It’s then re-draped and trimmed and the belly button is redefined. Scars and surgery go hand in hand, but incisions are strategically positioned so the scars remain discreet – and they fade over time, too.

Sonnie Hiles
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Don’t get mad, get even: say goodbye to patchy skin

Skin looking a bit patchy post-summer? Never mind – Tauranga’s Skin Centre has an exclusive product formulated in-house to fix that, and practice nurse Georgie Herbison is here to tell us about it.


PHOTO Alexander Krivitskiy

Skin looking a bit patchy post-summer? Never mind – Tauranga’s Skin Centre has an exclusive product formulated in-house to fix that, and practice nurse Georgie Herbison is here to tell us about it.

UNO: Georgie, what causes pigmentation and how can we prevent it?

GEORGIE HERBISON: Melanin in the skin acts as a defence mechanism, which is why people commonly get a tan where their skin is exposed to the sun. Hyperpigmentation occurs when the skin over-produces melanin, resulting in dark patches and an uneven look. Hormonal changes can cause hyperpigmentation, but the main cause is the sun, so it’s important to always wear sunscreen or, better still, cover up or stay indoors during the hottest time of day. 

UNO: Why has Skin Centre created this specialised pigmentation product, Complex K?

GEORGIE: So many patients come into the clinic distressed about their pigmentation, having tried different treatments and creams with no visible results. It’s great to be able to offer them our prescription-only product to use at home, knowing it’ll really work for them. 

UNO: What makes this cream so effective?

GEORGIE: Complex K is a sun damage and skin-lightening treatment. It contains components proven in multiple independent clinical trials to reverse the effects of excessive sun, including hydroquinone 4%, a pigment inhibitor that works by reducing the production of pigmentation and increasing the production of melanosomes in melanocytes by inhibiting the activity of the enzyme tyrosinase, which is needed to make melanin. It also includes a mild topical hydrocortisone to prevent irritation, mixed with a vitamin A derivative (retinoid) that can reduce the ageing effects of the sun on our skin and stimulate collagen synthesis, while reversing photo damage and increasing the absorption and efficacy of the hydroquinone.

UNO: How should we use Complex K?

GEORGIE: This is a prescription treatment that your skin needs to adjust to slowly, so our clients use it alongside their own skincare products a few nights a week to start with, and gently increase from there.

UNO: What kinds of pigmentation is it effective on and what kinds of results do you see?

GEORGIE: We’ve had some very good results treating clients with general pigmentation and freckling, the hormonal pigmentation melasma and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. They notice a definite lightening of the affected skin after using the cream for 12 weeks, and the overall skin texture is smoother.

UNO: Is Complex K complemented by treatments you use in the clinic? 

GEORGIE: It works well in conjunction with our Fraxel laser. The non-invasive Fraxel can reverse visible signs of ageing and damage, reducing pigmentation and evening out skin tone, and Complex K  helps to maintain these results.

UNO: Who would you recommend this product to?

GEORGIE: We’d recommend it to clients with darker skin, who have a higher chance of hyperpigmentation, or anyone who’s tried other treatments with poor results. It’s especially effective for people with melasma and is a great option for anyone who doesn’t want to use laser treatments and would prefer to use a cream at home.



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Top summer product and treatment picks from Tranquillo

Top-to-toe summer product and treatment picks from our appearance pro Sue Dewes at Tauranga’s Tranquillo Beauty Clinic.

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Top-to-toe product and treatment picks from our appearance pro Sue Dewes at Tauranga’s Tranquillo Beauty Clinic.

Top Products

For your eyes

O Cosmedics No Baggage Native Collagen Eye Mask

Your new best friend before those special events, this eye mask smooths fine lines and wrinkles, and hydrates, plumps and firms the delicate skin around the eyes. Dampen with water, smooth on, boost with an O Cosmedics serum if you wish, then sit back and relax, and you’ll see visible results in just 20 minutes.  


For your feet

Gehwol Refreshing Balm

This footcare brand has a solution for every problem, ensuring your feet always feel comfortable. This balm is my favourite summer product from the range as it combats that burning feeling tired feet can bring when the weather’s hot. With menthol and peppermint oil, it cools, deodorises and moisturises. 


For your face

Juvenate B-Hydrated 4D  

I love to support New Zealand skincare companies, so for me this multi-active hydrating complex is a win-win. Designed to de-stress, soothe, smooth, strengthen and protect the skin while promoting collagen formation, it’s suitable for anyone concerned with hydration but extra-beneficial for those dealing with inflammation or acne. 


For your nails

FABY nail lacquers 

Cruelty-free and without toxic chemicals, Italian-made Faby nail polishes are considered among Europe’s most innovative. In a vast array of fashion colours, they’re formulated without the ‘big five’, so you can have fun using them to accessorise your summer look knowing they won’t compromise your nails or your overall health.  


For your protection

Environ RAD Shield Mineral Sunscreen 

Fewer chemicals but more complete protection designed to be applied more often, this is your safe, effective, daily shield against UVA, UVB, infrared rays and blue light. It combines powerful physical blockers zinc oxide and titanium oxide with a boost of antioxidant including vitamin E to minimise the free-radical damage triggered by UVA radiation.

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Special treatments

Lash lifts & tints 

A wonder treatment with all the benefits of extensions but none of the maintenance and trauma to your natural lashes, lash lifts make your lashes look longer but curling them gently upward, opening up the eyes for a more youthful look. The result is simply beautiful, with a tint to top them off that means mascara can be a thing of the past for several weeks. For a complete treatment, combine with a brow shape and tint. 


Spray tans

There’s no doubt about it, a tan can make you look healthy, and with the Eco Tan line, a naturalistic tan is yours with no sun damage involved. Ingredients matter to me, so we offer the formulation that’s best for your skin and the environment, and this certified-organic range produces a beautiful colour almost immediately. We can also teach you how to care for your tan to give you a consistent look all summer long. 



Want to look your best barefoot at the beach and in those summer sandals? Come and see us for a thorough Tranquillo pedicure. Winter feet are simply not ready to be summer feet without some TLC, so don’t let your neglected toenails let you down – let us soak away that dry, rough skin, then enjoy a invigorating, velvety massage finished with Faby nail polish for all the the glam with none of the nasties. 


Bespoke facials 

Summertime and the living is easy and more social too, so if you’d like to feel your best when you’re out and about, we can design a gorgeous facial for you to beautify your skin while relaxing your body and mind. Achieving an authentic healthy glow is so rewarding and our full facial analysis will help us tailor a treatment that’s perfect for you. Regular facials will also help to repair any skin damage and prevent warm-weather skin issues. 



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Autologous fat transfer: an alternative to breast implants

UNO spoke to Paul Salmon, surgeon at The Skin Centre about the method of using your own body fat to increase your breast size, as an alternative to breast implants.


UNO spoke to Paul Salmon, surgeon at The Skin Centre about the method of using your own body fat to increase your breast size, as an alternative to breast implants.

UNO: Can you tell us about autologous fat transfer and breast surgery?

Paul: Autologous fat transfer or AFT is a technique of restoring or enlarging the breast by grafting fat into it. People have been trying to put fat into breasts for many years, but with haphazard results for a number of reasons. First, there isn’t enough space in a small breast. Also, the fat is put into the breast in large lumps, which doesn’t make for a successful graft. Recently, there has been a lot of interest in preparing the breast by expanding it slowly over the weeks prior to grafting. This technique has revolutionised AFT by providing the right environment for the reliable take of grafts.

UNO: How long have you been doing this procedure?

P: I have been grafting fat and doing liposuction for breast reduction for 25 years. Liposuction of the breast is really the reverse of AFT; women can get rid of overly heavy breasts without scarring and still have confidence in being able to breastfeed later. In 2017 I went to Florida to operate with Dr Khouri, who had published the seminal papers on Brava, a breast expansion device, and AFT. Since then, I have been doing the procedure both in Tauranga and Auckland.

UNO: How does the process work?

P: AFT involves a gentle liposuction of fat from an area where it isn’t wanted. It’s then prepared and grafted into the breast. Prior to the procedure, the patient spends a few weeks using an external expander, usually at night. Used regularly, the small suction dome will enlarge the breasts. If the expansion is stopped, the breast will shrink again. It’s the grafting of fat that makes the enlargement from external expansion permanent. The grafted fat is laid down in a 3D network of tiny, thin strips in the breast, eventually building up the volume for a larger breast. There are virtually no scars, as only tiny nicks of 2mm in length are needed to allow us to insert the fat into the breast.

“One thing to think about is that because your breasts have been enlarged by fat

transfer, if you gain or lose weight, your breasts will respond accordingly.”

What are the benefits of AFT versus breast implants?

P: Implanting breasts with silicone prostheses is very safe. As with all procedures and general anaesthetics, complications are a risk; infection, bleeding, loss of sensation, scarring, the wrong placement or rupture of an implant or capsule formation are the most common complications. Cancer is a very rare complication. AFT gives a woman the opportunity to have larger, younger-looking breasts naturally without synthetic implants. And there’s an opportunity to get better-looking hips, legs or tummy, depending on where the fat is taken from.

UNO: What are the disadvantages of AFT?

P: To work reliably, the breasts must be prepared by using the external expander every night. The most popular size for silicone implants in New Zealand is around 300ml, which is more than a AFT procedure can reliably produce. With AFT, women can expect to go up one cup size, although further increases can be achieved with an additional AFT procedure. Also the fat placed into the breasts is treated by the body as if it is still in its original position, so if your graft fat comes from your tummy and you put on weight there, your breasts may also enlarge.

So this technique be used to reduce breast size?

P: Yes, we can use the liposculpture technique on its own (without using the expanders). This will reduce the size of overly large breasts. Tiny incisions around the edge of the breast mean that excess fat can be carefully removed to maintain the same shape of the original breast.


Dr Paul Salmon Paul is New Zealand’s most published dermatologic surgeon with over 60 papers published in peer-reviewed literature. He has an Honorary Fellowship in the Australasian College of Dermatology, and has been a speaker at the World Congress of Dermatology as well as the American College of Mohs Surgery. He has served on the Specialist Advisory Committee for the RACP on behalf of the NZDSI. His areas of special interest are cutaneous oncology, micrographic surgery, prevention of skin cancer, sun damage and cosmetic surgery.

SKINCENTRE.COM 0800 754 623 171


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Better than ever

“I wanted Mount Skin & Body to be a community hub as well as a place you can sneak into to take some time for yourself, a place that appeals to all your senses and encourages you to take time out of your busy life.”

We talk to Mount Skin & Body owner Kelly Kingston on her clinic’s new look.

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UNO: Mount Skin & Body has been at the heart of the beauty scene at the Mount for many years, but we love your salon refit – what did it entail?

KELLY: We’ve been here for 15 years now but have recently renovated the space to better reflect what we spend our time doing. It was a long process – two years of talking to clients, staff and industry professionals about where we’re headed – but I wanted Mount Skin & Body to be a community hub as well as a place you can sneak into to take some time for yourself, a place that appeals to all your senses and encourages you to take time out of your busy life.

I worked with talented people on the renovation, including Rachael Hackett-Jones of Rubix Design Collective, whose vision completely aligned with my ethos; she came up with elegant, sustainable ideas and really understood what would make our clients feel comfortable. My trust in her expertise meant I was able leave her to it and focus my attention on reinventing how we serve our clients.

Our beautiful new space includes an interactive skin bar and a secluded spot in which to relax before and after treatments, plus we’ve made it easy for people to pop

in to shop for skincare, make-up and gifts. We’ve also set aside a dedicated space to give our therapists more room to plan, write notes and relax between clients. The more organised and rested they are, the more our clients benefit.

UNO: In what other ways has your salon evolved to meet your clients’ needs?

KELLY: Personal and professional growth has always been very important to me. I believe our ongoing training helps improve both my team and our clients’ wellbeing. We’ve attended skin symposiums in France, the US, Australia and Queenstown to keep up with the best trends and treatments around the world, and we’ve also continually invested in technology to ensure we can offer the very best in beauty.

UNO: Do you have any new treatments on the menu to match your new look?

KELLY: We do! Collagen induction therapy has been our favourite for a while now, IPL and LED light therapy are relatively new additions, and more recently we launched dermaplaning and hydrabrasion, which is microdermabrasion with a water component – think your cleanest, smoothest skin yet. We’re also slowly reintroducing some of our popular spa treatments.

UNO: What else do you think makes Mount Skin & Body so special?

KELLY: Skin and personalised service are our true loves. We pride ourselves on delivering luxurious therapies that leave our clients feeling and looking radiant. The skin tells a story, so we take a holistic approach to any concerns, looking at all area of our clients’ lives and working together to discover the root cause. We also take care to use environmentally friendly and sustainable resources whenever we can.

As for personalised service – it requires a lot of energy and enthusiasm, so as a team we like to support each other and keep each other’s tanks full, which in turn ensures that our clients are well looked after. It’s really important to me that everyone on our team loves their job. I believe when people are happy in their work, it filters through to their family, and hopefully the community, too.

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Bakuchiol: the plant-based alternative to retinol is our new skincare hero

Bakuchiol is one of the three hero ingredients used in Arbonne’s new AgeWell range, a vegan skincare collection that embraces a holistic approach to skin ageing. Formulated using a range of dermatologist favourites, the trifecta of ingredients – bakuchiol, vitamin C, and plant stem cell extract – work together to deliver youthful-looking skin.



Have you heard of bakuchiol? Pronounced “buh-koo-chee- all”, this plant-based skincare ingredient is a gentler alternative
to retinol that helps target the look of wrinkles and uneven skin tone. Compared to retinol, bakuchiol is better tolerated by skin, is mild enough to be used morning and night, is safe to use with other skincare ingredients and it’s vegan-friendly, too.

Bakuchiol is one of the three hero ingredients used in Arbonne’s new AgeWell range, a vegan skincare collection that embraces a holistic approach to skin ageing. Formulated using a range of dermatologist favourites, the trifecta of ingredients – bakuchiol, vitamin C, and plant stem cell extract – work together to deliver youthful-looking skin.

The second ingredient, vitamin C, supports collagen by providing the skin with moisture, but can’t be used at the same time as traditional retinol. However, vitamin C and bakuchiol are fine to use together, so you can get the benefit of both ingredients at once.

Sustainable plant stem cell extract is the third ingredient taking centre stage in the AgeWell range. Plant stem cell extract helps skin to look more vibrant and improve firmness, and it’s derived from natural origins but uses less water during production than traditional versions. This harmony of ingredients works to target visible signs of ageing without being harsh on skin.

COLLAGEN NURTURING SERUM WITH 2% BAKUCHIOL: Indulge your skin in this super-concentrated formula which helps reduce the look of facial wrinkles, along with stabilised vitamin C to help boost and maintain moisture by supporting collagen.

MOISTURE RESTORING CREAM WITH 0.5% BAKUCHIOL: This versatile moisturiser contains shea butter, avocado oil, coconut oil, and squalene complex to help replenish
the skin’s moisture barrier
and reduce the appearance
of fine lines.

MOISTURE RESTORING CREAM WITH 0.5% BAKUCHIOL: This versatile moisturiser contains shea butter, avocado oil, coconut oil, and squalene complex to help replenish
the skin’s moisture barrier
and reduce the appearance
of fine lines.


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Leanne Cashmore takes us inside the Cashmore Clinic

Having your skin looked after at my clinic is no different from going to the hairdresser or having your teeth whitened. My treatments are subtle. They may be indiscernible to anyone else, but you’ll get a huge boost to your confidence.”

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“Having your skin looked after at my clinic is no different to going to the hairdresser or having your teeth whitened. My treatments are subtle. They may be indiscernible to anyone else, but you’ll get a huge boost to your confidence.” Leanne Cashmore is pouring tea into fine china cups at her clinic on Muricata Avenue, Mt Maunganui. A beautiful, pale-blue villa from the road, inside it’s a calm oasis.

A registered nurse, Leanne has been working in appearance medicine for 20 years. Seeing that “there was a real need for a boutique, welcoming and luxurious service at the Mount”, she launched the Cashmore Clinic in April this year. It’s a personal, one-on-one service. “Some people want to dash in during their lunch hour, and others like to take things slowly, talk about their treatment, and relax with a herbal tea. It’s very private here, and my clients appreciate that.”

A born-and-bred Mount local, Leanne is part of a talented family whose members work in creative industries. Her husband, Mark, is a pool and landscape designer (check out his design project in UNO’s summer ’17 issue) and her sister Maree Wilkinson is a photographer, while the eldest of her four children, Jordan, captains a superyacht in the Caribbean. Meanwhile, Leanne can be found at her clinic from Monday to Friday and on the occasional Saturday – during daylight hours. “I work around my clients, and prefer natural light as it helps me provide the best treatment,” she says.

The Cashmore Clinic is overseen by a small group of qualified doctors. “I’m very lucky to have worked with some of the top professionals in appearance medicine throughout my career,” says Leanne. “It’s all very friendly and connected.”

The Cashmore Clinic services

Botox For: the face, and to treat excessive underarm sweating. It’s the most popular procedure, as it’s quick, affordable and delivers fantastic results. Fillers For: fine lines, dark circles around the eyes, acne scarring, lip enhancement, reshaping the jawline and chin, and skin hydration (with the V2 machine). Fillers provide a beautiful lift that restores lost volume in the face. Leanne says anyone who tries them becomes an immediate convert. Head online to discover more of Leanne’s treatments.

82a Muricata Ave, Mt Maunganui



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Davinci Clinic: the cooler way to shift stubborn weight

We all have stubborn areas of fat which we just can’t shift, even with regular, intensive exercise and a good diet. While surgical procedures like liposuction and abdominoplasty are popular for removing excess areas of fat and tightening loose skin, they do require a general anaesthetic and significant recovery time.


WORDS Pip Crombie PHOTO Logan Weaver

We all have stubborn areas of fat which we just can’t shift, even with regular, intensive exercise and a good diet.

While surgical procedures like liposuction and abdominoplasty are popular for removing excess areas of fat and tightening loose skin, they do require a general anaesthetic and significant recovery time.

Good news. There are now some non-invasive techniques for helping to get rid of areas of stubborn fat, typically around the waist and tummy, thighs and upper arms and double chin. One of the most popular techniques is CoolSculpting, using a technology called Cryolipolysis®.

Widely acknowledged as being safe and effective, CoolSculpting is the only FDA-cleared procedure to use controlled cooling to safely target and eliminate diet and exercise-resistant fat.

Fat cells freeze at higher temperatures than the surrounding tissues. CoolSculpting technology safely delivers precise cooling to gently and effectively target the fat cells underneath the skin. The treated fat cells are crystallized (frozen), and then die. Over time, your body naturally processes the fat and eliminates these dead cells, leaving a more sculpted you. As a body-contouring procedure, it offers an effective solution to shifting stubborn bulges, has no down-time, requires no anaesthetic, no needles, is suitable for most people, friendly to your budget and perhaps most enticing of all, is performed with only minimal discomfort. 

Make sure you go to a specialist nurse who is trained to develop a customised treatment plan for your areas of concern, advise on the suitability of CoolSculpting and work within your budget.

There are lesser versions of the CoolSculpting technology available on the market. If you are investigating options, you will see that only CoolSculpting is permitted to use the term Cryolypolisis®. Be wary of imitations and counterfeits and devices which lack the safety mechanisms of CoolSculpting. The extensive training necessary for CoolSculpting ensures that our nurses are very skilled in recommending which areas will respond to treatment and how many treatments are required. This provides consistency in results and optimal outcomes for you, the patient. Two or more treatments are usually scheduled and results are not immediate, but generally become evident over weeks as the fat cells die and are eliminated. So it’s not immediately obvious that you have had any ‘work done.’ Both men and women are loving the results of CoolSculpting at the Da Vinci Clinic. Take a moment to enquire to find out if it’s the answer you’ve been looking for to combat those unwanted bulges. 

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