Fresh Reads, WORK, Business Michele Griffin Fresh Reads, WORK, Business Michele Griffin

Creature comforts

Animal expert and veterinarian David McDonnell of Tauranga Vets answers your im-paw-tant questions about pet health and wellbeing

Animal expert and veterinarian David McDonnell of Tauranga Vets answers your im-paw-tant questions about pet health and wellbeing.

Photo Salina Galvan

Got fleas? Should you shear your dog like a sheep in springtime? And what about wet pet food? Here’s vet David’s best advice for keeping your furry friends happy, healthy and well as the weather warms up.

Q: How often should I de-flea and worm my pet?

A: Fleas can be a problem for our pets all year round in the Bay of Plenty, as we have a relatively warm climate here and many of our pets live indoors as well, staying warm all the time. Because of this, we recommend keeping up with regular flea treatments all year round to ensure you don’t get a flea infestation in your house. Ninety-five percent of the flea population live off the animal; that is, in our environment which can include our house. Ensuring good flea control in our homes by using regular vacuuming and a flea bomb, for example, can also help prevent your pet becoming reinfected following flea treatment. There are many different flea products available these days. The most commonly used products are given orally, and some are still applied to the skin on the back of the pet’s neck. The length of time each product lasts can also vary from one to six months usually. Talk to your vet for advice on which product would be best for your pets.

Q: Should I shave my pet to keep them cool in summer?

A: In the heat of summer, it can be hard for some dogs to keep themselves cool. This is especially so for some bigger dogs with heavy coats, as well as brachycephalic breeds of dogs such as bulldogs. Unlike humans, dogs cannot sweat through their skin. They rely on panting and releasing heat through their paw pads and nose to regulate their body temperature. If they can’t cool down, they will quickly develop heatstroke. For pets with thick and long coats, shaving them can certainly help to keep them cooler in the hot summer months as well as prevent unwanted knots or mats in the fur. There is a small risk which is higher in some breeds of dog that the hair doesn’t grow back properly. Breeds at increased risk include those with long, plush coats, such as the Alaskan malamute, American Eskimo, Chow Chow, Keeshond, Pomeranian, Samoyed, and Siberian Husky, but it can occur in any breed. No one knows exactly why this occurs sometimes for some dogs. 

Q: Why does my pet only want wet food?

A: Most pets should be able to eat a completely dry or mixed wet and dry diet. If you have noticed a change in your pet’s preference to only wanting wet food, there could be some underlying health reasons for that. The most common medical reason for this would potentially be pain in the mouth from dental disease. Pets will often keep eating even with teeth that have serious disease present. The best way to check for this is to get a dental and health check done by a vet. Good dental health is pivotal to good overall health and welfare for our pets. Dental disease can cause significant pain to animals that is very hard for owners to detect until it is really severe. Your vet should complete an oral exam during your pet’s annual health check as well. 

Q: My neighbour's dog barks all day. Is this a sign of stress?

A: Barking is how dogs communicate. They can bark for many reasons including fear, territorial barking, anxiety and boredom. In these situations, it’s best to alert the owner, as they may be unaware of what their dog is doing while they’re not home. Once they’re aware, it’s something that would require a significant amount of work and training to help alleviate the dog’s underlying reason for barking. We often recommend contacting a qualified dog behaviourist or trainer to help with these kinds of situations. They are able to come to the dog’s home and help assess what it is that’s causing the dog to bark. They would then be able to work with the owner to implement some environmental adjustments or enrichment, alongside training the owner on how to train the dog to prevent the barking from occurring.

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Fresh Reads, WORK, Business Michele Griffin Fresh Reads, WORK, Business Michele Griffin

Vet’s roll!

Animal expert and vet David McDonnell at Tauranga Vets offers advice on the purr-fect way to prepare for your vet visit.

Animal expert and vet David McDonnell at Tauranga Vets offers advice on the purr-fect way to prepare for your vet visit.

With people’s busy schedules, getting the most out of your visit to the vet can help save you time, energy – and stress! To streamline the consultation and ensure you leave with the best advice and recommendations, it’s important to communicate well.

Veterinarians genuinely want their clients to get value from their visits, and help solve any animal issues or
pet problems in the most timely and affordable way possible. With that goal in mind, here are some things
you can do to get the most out of your vet consultation.

First on the list is making an appointment. Many clinics offer online bookings, which are a great way to efficiently find a time that fits your schedule. When booking, it’s important to thoughtfully answer questions around any concerns you may have about your pet. This helps the software prioritise your pet’s care needs and give the vet clinic staff the right information about what you’re coming in for. However, if it’s an urgent case or you’re worried, call the clinic – receptionists and vet nurses can often triage the situation over the phone, and again, the more specific you can be with symptoms or the issue at hand, the better they’ll be able to assist you.

When it’s time for your visit, it’s super helpful to come prepared. Bring your pet’s record book and a list of questions or concerns. If your pet is particularly anxious, it can be beneficial to make a time prior to the appointment to come in and pick up some medication that can help lessen their stress.

To ensure your pet’s wellbeing and safety, make sure dogs are brought in on a leash, and cats are secure in a cage. Look for Cat Friendly Accredited clinics – at Tauranga Vets, we ensure that waiting and consult areas are separate for cats and dogs, and stagger their appointment times to keep our feline and canine companions apart. 

Consider bringing in pictures or videos of your pet’s concerning behaviour or symptoms. A picture paints a thousand words, and this tool can be very helpful for diagnosing issues. If possible, have a list of dates, times, changes to food, environment, or home dynamics. Animals can often be affected by the nuances of life, and a good history of the situation is important. 

Once in the rooms, your pet will take its cues from you. If you’re calm, it will help them to remain so. At Tauranga Vets, our consulting rooms have feline pheromone diffusers which are used to calm cats, and we’re trained in specific ways to handle them so as to minimise any stress they may feel. But as their owner, your calm demeanour can go a long way toward helping your pet to stay calm as well.

At the end of the consultation, your vet should clearly explain the next steps. More tests may be required, or a treatment plan be written up. If you need more clarification or you have questions, don’t be shy – just ask.
If you have concerns regarding payment, discuss these with the vet nurse, as many clinics now offer different payment options, such as Afterpay.

Your vet should communicate well with you, too. And if you’re both committed to clear, calm, respectful communication with your pet’s health at the centre of the conversation, you’ll have a much smoother and more efficient visit – and less stress all around.

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