Fresh Reads, LIVE, Building & Renovations Michele Griffin Fresh Reads, LIVE, Building & Renovations Michele Griffin

A classic twist

Adding another dimension to an established brand.

Adding another dimension to an established brand.

Words Nicky Adams

There’s lots to like about husband-and-wife team Paul and Corina Taylor, particularly if you enjoy good humour with a side order of honesty. Paul is articulate and animated, plus he makes a mean cup of tea. Corina’s warmth and gentle manner put you at ease straight away. Together with Paul’s brother David they hold the licence for and are owner/operators of Classic Builders Rotorua and Taupō.

To unravel what exactly this means, I double check with Paul, who clarifies: “We hold a licence agreement to build within the Rotorua and Taupō councils and we work under a licence manual… Classic provides a back-of-office service for us with our design work, accounting, marketing, health and safety.” Essentially, Paul, Corina and David are very much Classic; “We’ve got the brand; together we’ve got 28 years’ experience of working with the brand, we’ve got the national supplier agreement, the systems, the processes – the aftercare service and warranty – all the stuff that’s always at the forefront. We bring our customer service, excellence, and quality. Our biggest added value is our experience.” The formula is clearly working, as, for the second year running, the team has just scooped a slew of accolades at the Classic Builders National Awards.

Paul has been with Classic for 19 years, moving from operations to licence holder; Corina joined the business 11 years ago with a strong background in sales and real estate, and found her true passion as colour and design consultant. Brother David came up from Palmerston North and in 2014 jumped on board the Classic ship, starting as construction manager and moving up to branch manager before taking on regional manager of Rotorua and Lakes. This powerhouse combination has a real confidence that only years in the game can bring. Corina points out: “There wouldn’t be too many areas of building where we haven’t got experience or a situation we haven’t come across before. Between the three of us we’ve got a tonne of expertise. With Paul, you’ve got the land acquisition, business/finance acumen and supplier relationships; David’s got the operational and building brain and I’ve got the face to face with the clients – refining the look they want, the colours, materials and specifications.” Paul chimes in: “We know our lane; we know where our strengths are”. Corina agrees, “there’s strong leadership in all three of those areas, and that filters down to our team, so they’ve got clear, strong direction and leadership and they really feel like we’ve got their back. Talia (our building co-ordinator) always says, “it’s like we’re in one big wāka rowing in the same direction.”

The impetus to branch away and establish their own part of the company was an organic progression. As Paul clarifies; “After being within the brand for 19 years I wanted to use all that expertise that I’d learnt to continue my journey and bring that to a different region. I had a vision of how things could be done at a grass-root level and wanted to get back to being more customer facing.” They both get animated as they explain how they could see the potential and growth in this area, which they have created and generated with the help of their team. Corina reiterates how adding value to the community has spurred them on, and Paul relishes the relationships they have built with land stakeholders, local iwi, various land developers and other members of the community supply chain. 

Corina’s sideline passion is her role as work events coordinator. Laughing, they both agree her love of organisation enables her to excel in this position. Joking aside, they go on to talk about how hugely important the sense of ‘team’ is to not just them personally, but to the success and growth of the business. The social side is huge: “We always celebrate our wins, our birthdays our anniversaries.” Paul sums it up: “We work together, play together, stay together.” Talking of events, the team is about to celebrate its fourth anniversary, which is a milestone the trio are hugely proud of. Within that time the team has grown from three to 12 and is still expanding. In a flat market it’s definitely bucking the trend to be experiencing growth. I wonder what Paul and Corina would consider has helped with this. Paul is hesitant, as he’s aware it’s not something that’s currently experienced across the board. “I suppose we’ve read the market, and we know how to deliver to these conditions. We’re adaptable: that’s what a small team brings.” Corina agrees. “We’re able to reduce square meterage to bring a price down – we know how to deliver a price point product of spec and looks. What we do well is very targeted to suit the market.” Paul adds: “And we deliver what we say we will. There are no hidden exclusions.” 

They also pride themselves in managing to cater for a broad demographic, from duplexes for a couple, to four-bed family homes, to investor properties. Repeat custom is something they’re excited has started to happen – there’s real pride when they mention people who have returned, a testament, amongst other things, to their relationship building.

Client relationships, they say, are crucial to the whole team. Their carefully crafted ‘Wall of Fame’ in the office has a photograph of every handover they’ve ever done. “There’s detail,” says Paul. “We haven’t just slapped it up.” Corina adds: “We really celebrate with our clients. It’s such an emotional process – you’re a huge part of each other’s lives for the duration of the build process. We love the handovers, it’s a big deal”. The Classic Care policy ensures the continuation of the relationship, even after completion. The Rotorua-based design centre reflects the blend of Corina’s systematic and creative personality. Purposely built for the client experience, it’s a visual space where the products are almost artworks. The layout of the room follows a build schedule, enabling clients to place selected swatches on the table, ultimately creating the home they will build. Corina thrives on her role: “I love helping people create the vision they have for themselves and their home; pulling all their ideas together and giving them different options in a budget-conscious way that fits within their build and our brand. Knowing they can have a beautiful home that they can be really proud of, but that fits within all our standard specs.” Operating from the hub, the team all hail from different parts of the region, and understand the value of ties with the community. That reaches beyond the clients to every part of the build chain, from the land to the carpet layers to the kitchen supplier. Every team member, according to Corina, gives their absolute all, “the work ethic of our people blows me away.”

Client relationships are of course integral; once that bond is established the trust follows. Transparency is their currency. Paul stands by his word: “We have a fixed price; we don’t have any escalation clauses. Within the contract – if we’re in control as the build partner we can give you a fixed price contract. But also, there’s flexibility if you want to have a provisional sum where you may want variations. You sign off everything first. We have a design and build contract, or house and land where we control the overall package. We’ve got flexibility – but again, it comes to a fixed price.” Adaptability, value for money, honesty and integrity are all central to what makes the wheels turn. “And positivity,” enthuses Paul.

What advice would you give someone looking to build?
Trust/understand your build partner. Do your research. Make sure you’re comparing apples with apples – go through the details.

Why would people choose to build in this market?
You end up with a healthy home with all the new standards (better insulation/ better joinery/heating etc). Better funding options with building new. There are good options out there, and you’ve got time to research as it’s not a flooded market.

How to avoid common mistakes?
No two sites are the same, so get down to the detail. Go with a reputable brand with experience. 

What should be the primary focus on a build?
Focus on the needs – add in the wants/wishlist. Be honest about what you have to spend.

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